NC State Photos

Browse and download NC State's high-resolution images for official campus use.

Sign Up for NC State Photos

Browse our gallery of NC State University images: NC State Photos. While everyone has access to view the online images, high-resolution versions can only be downloaded for official NC State use. To download high-resolution photos for educational, marketing and other noncommercial university purposes, you will need to sign up for a free PhotoShelter account:

Photoshelter Signup

Once you have completed the PhotoShelter registration, email and us know the exact email address you used. We will send you an invitation to view the galleries based on the email address you provide. You will then be able to download the high-resolution versions without a watermark. There are no fees associated with using images from the NC State Photos site.

Our photo collection is hosted by PhotoShelter, an off-campus, digital-archive-management company. Storing our stock photos off-site ensures that our images are protected and your login information is digitally secure.

Permission is required to use NC State Photos in commercial or noneducational publishing. Do not distribute or share any images you download with any entity not associated with NC State. Please note that the university protects its copyright and any misuse of images from these galleries could possibly result in legal action.

For questions about use and copyright, contact

Step By Step Guide

  1. Register with PhotoShelter
  2. Email the email address you used when signing up
  3. Receive invitation to view gallery or a “Welcome to NC State Photos” email
  4. Log into PhotoShelter
  5. Choose a photo from a gallery or a search
  6. Click “download” in the box above the image
  7. Select a download option

Client Image Embargo Options