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WordPress Office Hours

OIT Design & Web Services and University Communications hold drop-in office hours every other Friday from 10 a.m. to noon. Office hours are held virtually via Zoom. You can join…

An Introduction to v4 of the NC State Theme

Introducing the latest evolution of the NC State Web Platform –Version 4 (v4). Elevate your website with an updated feature set and quality of life enhancements. v4 brings a fresh…

Exploring the NC State Advertising Page Builder

A general overview of the Ad Ecosystem platform offered by UCOMM. The Ad Ecosystem is a centralized site for building temporary advertising landing pages. These ad-centric pages include features not…

Email Generator: An Overview

Explore how to create templated emails with the Email Generator. Keep messaging organized and on brand all through a familiar WordPress interface. This workshop will cover the following: Overview of…