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The Accordion block is a sort of styled list that grants site maintainers the option to have information nested through a collapsible drop down.

Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Free), Post (Premium), Post (Pro), Text

A part of the Premium post template, the "Aside Widget" is a sleek alternative to standard "Fact" and "Pullquote" blocks. Instead of traditional center alignment, the "Aside Widget" affords site managers the option to left or right align content.

Post (Premium), Visuals

The Big Fact block is useful for drawing an audience's attention to an interesting and relevant fact to the theme of the page

Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Visuals

A block quote is used to display an extended excerpt from another body of work such as a research article, annual report or strategic plan.

Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Free), Post (Premium), Post (Pro), Text

The Button block is effective in grabbing a reader's attention at the end of paragraph or story.

Calls to Action, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Free), Post (Premium), Post (Pro)

Provides users with relevant information on how a unit can be contacted, where they are located and the unit's business hours.

Contact, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro)

This block allows you to pull course and program requirements information from the university catalog (

Feeds, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro)

Offers site maintainers a way for them to intake user emails while having the visual appeal of an easy to use, stylish block.

Calls to Action, Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Premium), Post (Pro)

This block will display the next three events on your calendar. It can pull data from Localist (the main university calendar) or The Events Calendar plugin.

Feeds, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro)

This block can provide users with information about rankings, statistics or other prominent facts. It is intended to catch a user's eye as they skim a web page and should contain information that site visitors must see before they navigate elsewhere.

Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Premium), Visuals

The Fancy Paragraph block allows users to add supporting column-based content beside a paragraph.

Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Visuals

The Featured Content block is a useful tool for pointing users towards important, and sometimes timely, pages and stories across a site.

Calls to Action, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro)

The block provides a way to spotlight important rankings, statistics or other facts about a unit.

Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Visuals

The Floated Spotlight block is useful for content creators to point users to another page or story that is relevant to the content they are already viewing.

Calls to Action, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro)

This block can be an effective way to facilitate giving in association with a specific page or story. It allows you to direct users to give to a specific fund within the university's gift processing system.

Calls to Action, Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Premium), Post (Pro)

Headings help create structure on a page and allow users to easily navigate to the most pertinent section of a page.

Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Free), Post (Premium), Post (Pro), Text

One of the most flexible blocks within posts, the Highlight block allows an author to link out to related stories, supplemental information and resources, or other online resources such as an event RSVP.

Calls to Action, Post (Premium), Post (Pro)

The Icon Links block allows content maintainers to build out a grid of related links that help catch a reader's attention via a spot illustration and custom headers.

Calls to Action, Page (Premium), Page (Pro)

The image block allows content maintainers to add photos and other pieces of imagery to their site.

Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Free), Post (Premium), Post (Pro), Visuals

This block allows you to display images in a grid format of one image across or two images side-by-side. It is a good way to show a lot of prominent photography. You can add as many rows of images as you’d like.

Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Premium), Post (Pro), Visuals