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Workshops provide an opportunity to learn about NC State's web platforms.


University Communications and Marketing leads several workshops to help the campus community in its communications efforts.

With the exception of the self-lead Gutenberg Quick Start workshop, each of the workshops is held via Zoom. These workshops are generally offered once a month, and they are open to anyone within the NC State community.

Available Workshops

Gutenberg Quick Start

This self-lead quick start is provided asynchronously online. It is geared toward users who are completely new to WordPress and/or Gutenberg.

Current Workshop Catalogue

Content Maintainer 1: Planning and Building a Site with the NC State Theme

This is the first workshop in our three-part training series for content maintainers. This workshop is for those who maintain, or will maintain, content in WordPress. This class is an opportunity to explore the basics of WordPress and the Gutenberg editor.

This workshop is one hour and fifteen minutes and explores the following topics:

  • Why do you have a website?
  • What to consider from a site governance and planning perspective
  • How WordPress helps you achieve your communication goals
  • Pages in WordPress and the Gutenberg block editor
  • The WordPress media library
  • Pages vs posts
  • Image accessibility, formatting and sizing considerations

Content Maintainer 2: Using the Block Editor to Create Engaging User Experiences

This is the second workshop in our three-part training series for content maintainers. This workshop is for those who maintain, or will maintain, content in WordPress. It is recommended that you take Content Maintainer 1 before taking this workshop. Or, have a working knowledge of the Gutenberg editor.

This workshop is an hour and fifteen minutes. In this session we will further explore the Gutenberg editor and the NC State Theme. In this session we will cover the following topics:

  • Page and post layout
  • Understanding scanning, scrolling and reading patterns
  • Utility versus marketing blocks
  • Posts in WordPress
  • How users navigate: menus, jump links, filtering options, categories and tags

Check back next semester for offerings of this workshop

Content Maintainer 3: Using the NC State Theme as a Digital Communications Hub

This is the third workshop in our three-part training series for content maintainers. This workshop is for those who maintain, or will maintain, content in WordPress. It is recommended that you take Content Maintainer 1 and Content Maintainer 2 before taking this workshop. Or, have a working knowledge of the Gutenberg editor.

This workshop is an hour and fifteen minutes. In this workshop we will explore rudimentary content strategy and page design. This session also covers the following topics:

  • An introduction to page-level content strategy
  • Utility versus marketing blocks
  • Rudimentary page design considerations
  • Site governance
  • Metadata
  • Creating and disseminating news content for the web

Check back next semester for offerings of this workshop

Site Administrator

This hour and fifteen minute workshop will help prepare WordPress site administrators to master the following subject areas:

  • Users
  • Menus
  • Newswire
  • NC State People
  • Key plugins

Check back next semester for offerings of this workshop

Gravity Forms

This OIT led training will help prepare WordPress site administrators to work with the Gravity Forms plugin. This workshop will detail using Gravity Forms’s visual form editor to construct robust forms and embed them on webpages.

Check back next semester for offerings of this workshop

Suggestions or Questions?

If you have suggestions for additional workshops or a general question, please contact Scott Thompson (

Get in Touch