Split Container Block
This special homepage blocks sit within a container known as a Split Container block. Two of of the blocks can be put in the Split Container block because each block has a width of only 50% of the page.
You will need to make sure your page has been adjusted from the “Default Template” to “Homepage” for this block to appear within the block inserter.
These special homepage blocks include:
- Audience Engagement: Invites users to subscribe to an email list or view your unit’s social channels.
- Events: Displays upcoming events from Localist (the university calendar) or The Events Calendar plugin.
- Fact List: Displays a column of one, two or three facts with optional icons.
- Featured Callout: Displays a callout with title, teaser, call-to-action and image. The callout can be used to point to important resources on your site.
- Link List: This block displays a list of links to other resources on your site.
- News Feed: Displays a filterable, automatic feed of headlines from your site or the Newswire.
- Statement: A simple text statement with optional CTA. This block can be used to display an impactful message about your unit.
- Testimonial: Showcases a quote with attribution and optional image. This block can be used to show a quote from a member of leadership, student, alumni or other affiliates.