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The Accordion block is a sort of styled list that grants site maintainers the option to have information nested through a collapsible drop down.

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A block quote is used to display an extended excerpt from another body of work such as a research article, annual report or strategic plan.

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The Button block is effective in grabbing a reader's attention at the end of paragraph or story.

Calls to Action, Landing Page Builder, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Free), Post (Premium), Post (Pro)

Headings help create structure on a page and allow users to easily navigate to the most pertinent section of a page.

Landing Page Builder, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Free), Post (Premium), Post (Pro), Text

The image block allows content maintainers to add photos and other pieces of imagery to their site.

Landing Page Builder, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Free), Post (Premium), Post (Pro), Visuals

When interspersed between paragraph blocks, the List block can help users more easily skim your content to find a specific piece of information.

Landing Page Builder, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Free), Post (Premium), Post (Pro), Text

There isn't much to a paragraph block, but it plays an important role nonetheless within your web pages. The bulk of your content will be within paragraph blocks.

Landing Page Builder, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Free), Post (Premium), Post (Pro), Text

Tables help you provide data and other structured information to users in an easy to read manner.

Landing Page Builder, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Free), Post (Premium), Post (Pro), Text

This block allows you to display many photos in a condensed amount of screen space. This is useful for cases where a large number of images are available for a particular story, but are topically relevant to eachother and best viewed in conjunction w

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