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The Instagram Feed block is a good option for displaying visual content from an Instagram feed, as well as driving users to view and engage with Instagram channel content.

Feeds, Page (Premium), Page (Pro)

When interspersed between paragraph blocks, the List block can help users more easily skim your content to find a specific piece of information.

Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Free), Post (Premium), Post (Pro), Text

The Magazine Preview block is specially created for showcasing other content within a selected Magazine issue.

Calls to Action, Post (Premium)

The Media Divider block is best used to break up large bodies of text while simultaneously making a page more interesting to the reader.

Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Visuals

The Newswire Feed block allows content maintainers to more easily set up a feed of posts from Newswire directly on their web pages.

Feeds, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro)

There isn't much to a paragraph block, but it plays an important role nonetheless within your web pages. The bulk of your content will be within paragraph blocks.

Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Free), Post (Premium), Post (Pro), Text

This block allows you to add a visually bold statement on top of an image. A parallax effect occurs when the user scrolls down the page.

Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Visuals

The Photo Gallery block is a useful tool for displaying a set of photos in a gallery format. This block is easy to navigate and affords site maintainers the option to show multiple images in one space while keeping the page real-estate used at a mini

Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Visuals

This blocks allows you to add a search box that can be configured to search any post type on a site.

Filtering, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro)

The Posts Feed block allows you to display the latest news from a specific set of categories or tags.

Feeds, Page (Premium), Page (Pro)

Many news posts and stories have memorable quotes and phrases that deserve additional attention. This block and be used to put such content into a pull quote so that it receives additional from both readers and skimmers.

Post (Premium), Post (Pro), Visuals

The Quote block helps you provide testimonials from students, faculty, alumni and others affiliated with the university. It allows you to provide a different, third-party perspective to your website's users.

Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Visuals

The Related Stories block is one of several ways to link out from a news post to other related stories. It is the quickest block for linking to related stories because it doesn't rely upon images or teaser text.

Calls to Action, Post (Premium), Post (Pro)

This block allows content maintainers to easily embed content from RSS feeds by simply copying and pasting in the URL of their favorite RSS source.

Feeds, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro)

While the main post content sets the stage and gives full details on a particular topic, the Sandwich Narrative block allows users to present a secondary, short-but-relevant story embedded directly within the original narrative that can add additiona

Post (Premium), Text

This block provides a streamlined way to embed a Slate form onto a page.

Contact, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro)

This block allows to blocks to be placed beside one another on a site's homepage.

Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Visuals

Tables help you provide data and other structured information to users in an easy to read manner.

Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Free), Post (Premium), Post (Pro), Text

The Text Links block is most often used immediately below a paragraph block, and it provides a way to link out to resources that may have been discussed in the preceding paragraph(s).

Calls to Action, Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro)

This block allows you to display many photos in a condensed amount of screen space. This is useful for cases where a large number of images are available for a particular story, but are topically relevant to eachother and best viewed in conjunction w

Page (Free), Page (Premium), Page (Pro), Post (Free), Post (Premium), Post (Pro), Visuals